
A modernization of an advanced backend system by the Norwegian Gaming Foundation

Alexandru Chiuariu
On Jun 3, 2020 2:56:00 PM

The Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority´s application "Anleggsregisteret" is developed by the Norwegian Foundation and Gaming Authority on behalf of the Ministry of Culture. The application consists of a backend system used to handle the requests for subsidies and a registry of the facilities in Norway.

Modernization of an old system

The Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority had previous experience with applications based on SmartGWT. However, when the Anleggsregister project started, a decision to modernize the application with Vaadin was made. Major requirements for the application were a minimal amount of needed client-side code, as well as a great-looking UI.


Integration with other solutions

Vaadin provided the modeling and user experience design, and then implemented a highly customizable frontend UI. The Vaadin Framework seamlessly integrates with other open-source solutions, forming a rich ecosystem that is crucial for developing complex applications like this in a cost-effective manner.

For the back-office system, the final application utilizes Vaadin and Spring Boot as the main components. On the public-facing site, a combination of WordPress and Vaadin components is used for data visualization, incorporating Grids and Maps.



90% customer satisfaction

Through the outstanding work of the development team and consultants, Anleggsregisteret has been successfully launched. The final application comprises a back-office system used to handle subsidy requests and maintain a registry of facilities in Norway.

Additionally, the application includes a public site and three types of web schemas. Its primary purpose is to support the Norwegian Ministry of Culture in granting subsidies to sport and cultural facilities throughout the country. In 2017 alone, over 1.4 billion kr was awarded to such facilities. Following the project's completion, a survey was conducted, revealing that 90% of the users reported their satisfaction with the new product.

Alexandru Chiuariu
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